Hi, I’m Greg Taylor, and this is my blog. You’ll find notes, opinions, and solutions to everything that I’ve deemed worthy enough to put here.
Q: Where are you located?
A: Sydney, Australia 🇦🇺 🇦🇺 🇦🇺
Q: What are your hobbies or interests?
A: Outside of programming I like fishing & the occasional late night gaming session.
Q: How often do you publish new content?
A: I plan to create a blog post every week or so, but I wouldn’t be surpised if I keep it once per new repo I create or topic I find interesting.
Q: Where do you get your ideas or inspiration?
A: Most of the time I see something neat on hacknews or reddit and from there I explore the space to come up with something new.
Q: Are you active on social media? Where can I follow you?
A: I’ve never really been on any kind of social media. I used to make occasional reddit posts, but for the most part I keep to myself.
Q: Do you offer consulting or other services?
A: I used to have a fivver account, but I got more spam than offers. If needed, you can contact me via email.
Q: What’s a fun fact about you?
A: I have multiple eye colors that subtly change over time! Currently it’s a brown core with a blue ring, but I used to be grey/green.